Your daily source of breakbeat, dubstep, electro swing, ghetto funk music.
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DJ Funky Mosquito Propeller Mix Eighteen (Real Funk Minimix)
This is a "live" mix recorded in the propeller club in berne funkee town.
Exclusively mixed with love for the Ramp Shows blog.
Yeah, this is funk, nu-funk, funk, nu-funk, funk, nu-funk, funk only
Further infos and more funky mixes you can find under facebook:
01) James Brown - Reworks (Whiskey Barons Re-Edit) (2:42)
02) Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild (Valerio Zappa Mashup) (2:15)
03) Tina Turner - Whole lotta Love (Ken At Work Psychadelic Extension) (5:29)
04) Lalomie Washburn - My Love Is Hot (Disco Tech Edit) (7:24)
05) The Mighty Mocambos - The Peace Street (2:54)
06) Viking Grooves/The Meters - Hand Clapping Song (Re-Edit by Hansi) (4:36)
07) Javier Morillas - Bye Bye Lucifer (4:48)
08) Javier Morillas - Latin Beat (3:17)
09) Freqnik & WDRE - Ghettos Of The Mind (Remix) (4:54)
10) Copycat - Get On Up (3:43)
11) Javier Morillas - Bob James Party (3:12)
12) Vullaka RMX - Kool and the mashup (4:39)
13) Poets Of Rhythm - More Mess On My Thing Pt.2 (3:57)
14) Leo - Funky Miracle (2nd Edit) (3:25)
15) Ferry Ultra - Why Did You Do It (feat. Ashley Slater) (5:59)
16) Funk Ferret - Fat City Strut - Funk Ferret Edit (4:06)
17) LoopMaffia - Funky Shit (Original Mix) (3:03)
18) Funk Efemdzemov - Get on up (Like A Sex Machine Man) (4:41)
19) DJ August - Sticky Honey Funk (5:31)
20) Funk Ferret - Fire (4:14)
21) Philly Blunt - Funky Music (3:20)
22) Skeewiff - Breakology (9:26)
23) Tommy Stewart - Bump and Hustle (Bobby Spice Edit) (8:01)
24) Slynk - Jackson Jump Reconstruction (3:44)
25) JiggyJoe - Last night a DJ threw his hands in the air (4:43)
26) Javier Morillas - Jump Across the Track (4:07)
27) Maceo Parker & The Macks - Soul Power '74 (Rollomatik Remix) (4:48)
28) Viking Grooves/Jean Jacques Perrey ft Beatie Boys - EVA (Re-Edit by Hansi) (6:44)
29) Featurecast - Make You Happy (4:01)
30) Featurecast - What It Means (5:03)
31) Krafty Skillz - It's A Booty (2:56)
32) A.Skillz Vs Beatvandals - Beat Don't Stop (4:40)
33) A.Skillz - California Soul (A.Skillz Remix) (3:56)
34) Krafty Skillz - Music Sounds Fatter with U (4:10)
35) Krafty Skillz - Another One Bits (4:35)
36) A. Skillz and Krafty Kuts - Gimme the Breaks (4:48)
37) A.Skillz - Think (It takes two) feat Lyn Collins (3:29)
38) A-Skillz, Lyn Collins, Midnight Oil - Beds Are Thinking (Zenit Incompatible Mash Up) (4:11)
39) James Brown - Sex Machine (A Skillz Rmx) (2:28)
40) Jayl Funk - Washed Car (4:54)
Big thanxs to all the artists, remixers and remashers for their work:)