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Your daily source of breakbeat, dubstep, electro swing, ghetto funk music.
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Bulajams.com Popup Shop Hits Dublin
Irish Hip-hop Really come of age and its sounding Big,Slick and original.
So hers is a quick run down of a Few Bangers that we Love here at Bulabeats Records HQ
Support the Artists if Ya Can
RíRá - '25 O'Clock In The Mornin
BITTER ROCC -Run these rats out
Big Siyo - 3 4 The Rise And Fall
The Animators - Those Were The Days
Class A'z & Robyn Kavanagh - Got Your Number
Dirty Dubsters Feat. Mystro Aka Mysdiggi 'Fire it up'
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Bulabreakdown.com Facebook - Johnny Pluse Twitter - Johnnypluse Youtube - Johnny Pluse Soundcloud - johnnypluse
Bulabreakdown.com Facebook - Johnny Pluse Twitter - Johnnypluse Youtube - Johnny Pluse Soundcloud - johnnypluse

Rob Kelly -Free Tunes
Eire Finest Hiphop Son
Drops 2 free tune from His Recent Album “ Kel Terrible "
Both jams are heavy with Great lyrical Flow
Go get them!!
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Bulabreakdown.com Facebook - Johnny Pluse Twitter - Johnnypluse Youtube - Johnny Pluse Soundcloud - johnnypluse
Bulabreakdown.com Facebook - Johnny Pluse Twitter - Johnnypluse Youtube - Johnny Pluse Soundcloud - johnnypluse