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Paddy - Ramp Show: Fresh Pickings #8 (March 2014)
Fresh picks and seasoned classics from the hiphopallotment. Good vibes : )
This month’s Choice Cuts...coming soon...from @djphibes!
Nobodi da Vinylist - Move the Vinyl
Skeewiff - That Was A Penalty
Copycat - Stab I See the Light
AGFA & Copycat - Fakin' the Funk
Black Sheep - The Choice Is Yours (DJ Soo's Wub Wub Re-rub)
DJ Cam - California Dreamin' (Rory Hoy Remix)
Jimi Needles - Jumpin' Jive
Skeewiff - Dave Allen Theme (Original Mix)
The Allergies feat. Figure of Speech & the KPS Horns - React
Bill Withers - Ain't No Sunshine (Busta Re-hype)
J-Sound - I Scream Sound
Leygo - Funky Kingston
Bob Marley - Jamming (Yum Cha Re-funk)
Dusty Tonez - Flashback
Toots &The Maytals - Reggae Got Soul (Crashgroove Edit)
Eric B & Rakim / Gramatik - I Know You Got Soul (DJ Plastik Re-fix) / Boom Bap Reinstated
More links...
Previous shows:
#1 www.mediafire.com/?2hv3x2abo1vs7az
#2 www.mediafire.com/listen/raic69i2l…ickings_%232.mp3
#3 www.mediafire.com/listen/2igj47vr6…kings%20%233.mp3
#4 www.mediafire.com/listen/kx7mqri4i…kings%20%234.mp3
#5 www.mediafire.com/listen/2j4o3bx3j…kings%20%235.mp3
#6 www.mediafire.com/listen/le94m7s1o…_Pickings_#6.mp3
#7 www.mediafire.com/listen/yp88l9q3a…_Pickings_#7.mp3

FREE DOWNLOAD - DJ Cam - California Dreamin' (Rory Hoy Remix)
Here is an unreleased remix Rory Hoy did for legendary Trip-Hop artist, DJ Cam from France. Enjoy!
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