Your daily source of breakbeat, dubstep, electro swing, ghetto funk music.
Rodney P - Trouble (Chamber vs. Syko Remix) FREE DOWNLOAD
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DJ Chamber - Chamber Music Volume 1
DJ Chamber is a globetrotting, award-winning DJ who has been touring internationally since the age of just 21. Originally from Bristol, UK, but currently living in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Chamber has moved to Asia with the intention of rapidly expanding and pioneering the newly emerging bass music scene across the continent. He was also named best new breaks DJ in the world at Breakspoll 2011,
1. Chamber - Action Through Inaction - Free D/L here: soundcloud.com/djchamber/action-through-inaction-1/download
2. Chamber - Viola's Beat - Free D/L here: soundcloud.com/djchamber/violas-beat-1/download
3. Chamber - Burning Beat - Free D/L here: www.tinyurl.com/ChamberFreebies
4. Rodney P - Trouble (Chamber vs. Syko Remix) - Free D/L here: www.tinyurl.com/ChamberFreebies
5. A.D.O.R. - One For The Trouble (Chamber Remix) - Free D/L here: www.tinyurl.com/ChamberFreebies
6. Method Man & Redman - Tear It Off (Chamber Remix) - Free D/L here: www.tinyurl.com/ChamberFreebies
7. Busta Rhymes - Dangerous (Chamber Remix) - Free D/L here: www.tinyurl.com/ChamberFreebies
8. Chamber - Ramblin' Man [Riddim Fruit Records] - Buy here: www.junodownload.com/products/fruit…ep/1775424-02/
9. JFB vs. Public Enemy - Bring The Wobble (Chamber Mashup) - Free D/L here: www.tinyurl.com/ChamberFreebies
10. Chamber - Snake Style [Young NRG] - Buy here: www.junodownload.com/products/xxl/1754870-02/
11. Kill Paris vs. LL Cool J - Funky K.O. (Chamber & Apesh!t Mashup) - Free D/L here: www.tinyurl.com/ChamberFreebies
12. Chamber - Ni Hao - Free D/L here: www.tinyurl.com/ChamberFreebies
13. Chamber vs. Syko - Outer Bass - Free D/L here: www.tinyurl.com/ChamberFreebies
14. Squids - Thump (Chamber Remix) - Free D/L here: soundcloud.com/djchamber/squids-thump-chamber-remix/download
15. House Of Pain vs. Feed Me - Jump Around The P!nk Lady (Chamber & Apesh!t Mashup) - Free D/L here: www.tinyurl.com/ChamberFreebies
16. Chamber - Ramblin' Man (JaPetto Remix) - Free D/L here: soundcloud.com/japetto/chamber-ramblin-man-japetto/download
17. Chamber vs. Syko - Outer Bass (Sketi Remix) - Free D/L here: www.facebook.com/sketimusic/app_220150904689418
18. Goober Gun - On The Beaches (Chamber Remix) - Free D/L here: soundcloud.com/djchamber/goober-gun-on-the-beaches/download
19. Chamber - XXL (Mafia Kiss Remix) [Young NRG] - Buy here: www.beatport.com/track/xxl-mafia-…ss-remix/3922944
20. Chamber - XXL [Young NRG] - Buy here: www.junodownload.com/products/xxl/1754870-02/
21. H0ffman vs. Chamber - Reactivate [Unstable Label] - Free D/L here: unstablelabel.co.uk/uns30
22. Lethal Bizzle vs. Exponaut - P621 (Chamber vs. Apesh!t Remix) - Free D/L here: www.tinyurl.com/ChamberFreebies

Pharrell Williams – Happy (CMC&Silenta Remix)
Yo! And warmest of welcomes to Spinforth’s Biweekly SoundCloud Scour #96. Me, Spinforth, with you briefly up top – in a speed Scour stylee cause it’s way past midnight and I’ve still not had my dinner!! – before we head down below for some much more professional Fat Harry intro blurb lovin action.
So yeah, I’ve been massively up against it this week, almost convinced myself I’d even be failing you all in fact, but I cracked on regardless in hope of a successful miracle catch up mission. Seems that miracle has come true, and so have tonight found myself in a mega rush to get this one out there for you all. If I had failed I had a perfect excuse..I lost a usual whole evening of Scouring on Monday, due to still being in recovery from the awesome Bassfunk gig that I Spunforth™ at with Dutty Moonshine in Plymouth on Saturday night. Yep, of course i partied that hard – not for two whole days hard, but still hard enough for my Monday to be a write off – it was a great gig, and great gigs demand a great big messy after party at my good friend The Fritz‘s new pad. Kind of a good job I’ve succeeded I guess, else Mr Fritz would have a lot to answer for! Anyway as it happens I survived both the gig and the good ol fashioned Fritz up afterward. Such a rad weekend, looking forward to re-running that Bassfunk fun, but inna HKPP stylee, next month at Bassfunk presents: The return of Hong Kong Ping Pong! If you reside in or around Plymouth, please bring you!
Ummm..what else can I speedily fill this bit up here with?? Oh yeah, of course, HUUUUUUUUUUUUMONGOUSEST of UP’s to everybody whom has so far supported Scour Records Debut Artist EP from Cedar Senior & Imagine This (previewed for the final time below..just incase anyone failed to check out very well received previous Scour #95)! Incredibly over the past two weeks you’ve landed us #1′s in Juno Download’s Breakbeat, Hip Hop, Reggae charts (all of which at time of writing it’s still holding), aaaand even a few days on top of ALL genres single chart too! Have to give a couple of very thankful respectful nods to Glitch Hop Community for supporting on their
and to www.GlitchHop.NET for featuring it just >>HERE
Release date: **OUT NOW**
Right then, that’s plenty enough Scouraffle™ from me, time to flick you all over to Sir Harry of Fatness for the penultimate time this side of Xmas & New Year. Yep, that really does mean we’re planning on taking a much needed whole 4 weeks OFF for the festive break – i say ‘OFF’..you don’t genuinely think forthcoming Centenary Scour #100 is going to compile itself do you!?
Scour lover thumbers at the ready, aaaaand…
Enjoy! x
P.S. Keep up to date with all things ‘Scour’ via the Spinforth Facebook Page liking button below..
If you have a tune that you would like considered for support via a forthcoming Scour, please email to: [email protected] /* */ , or send in a private message to my Spinforth Fan Page.
Cheers Spinny! A gruff and manly bear hug to all the gents and a tender kiss on the back of the hand to all the gentettes in the house! Lovely to see you all looking so sexy and rampant. Hope the weather’s not been too chillard for you and that you’re continuing to keep the festival season alive by still rocking the shorts and sandals – it’s not quite cold enough for the sock and sandal combo just yet!
Pinx is a secret Scour virgin super weapon, very much adored. Here he puts a cheeky scratch over Brother Bones’ Sweet Georgia Brown. This is part of a 90bpm mix he put together for his lovely lady to run a half marathon to – how amazing is that? Mrs Pinx is raising money for Melanoma Research so if you’re feeling the love and have a few dollars to spare maybe you’d like to support her here >> http://www.justgiving.com/mtmrf Respect! 90bpm ▼
Massive feet and testicle owners, Lady lovers and Asian Love Bombs DJ Chamber & DJ Syko team up once more, reworking Rodney P’s Trouble. Excellent work from the best expat crime fighting duo to ever live in Taiwan. Unfortunately both of them wanted to wear Robin’s green tights so they’ll have to be referred to as ‘No Batman and Robin Robin’ but it doesn’t matter :Kapow!: As they’re both :Chop!: equally awesome. Holy stop-punching-me non Batmen! 90bpm ▼
You’ll remember The Geek & VRV from Scour #94, with their slo-mo Stevie Wonder rework (
). Consider your timbers shivered, since then they’ve posted up another twelve or so tracks, we really like ‘After’ but it’s like throwing velcro darts behind your back onto a field of a thousand sleeping badgers – they’re all awesome! 93bpm ▼
Barila Funk drizzles sexy hip hop over Scour Superstar B.Visible. Sounds like the start of a porn movie, wunderba! Welcome to The Scour fella! Barila hails from Actiontown in Germany, which I hope with all my heart is a real place! The B.Visible instrumental is from the stunning Cloud Watching Vol 1 from Riddim Fruit (which you can grab for free from >>HERE
Another welcome to The Scour to Davr! Pop your clothes on the side, we’ll be with you as soon as we’ve taught these hamsters how to not fear fire. Davr Loses the fluff with his, dare we say, moody rework of Danny Brown’s Grown Up. There we are, we said it. Please don’t stab or merk us most severely! Davr belongs to the Random Bastards! stable, a Sweedish skate, snowboard, clothing brand and petting zoo collective from Sweden’s Dirty North. I wanna go! 93bpm ▼
Keeping things mad viking rampagey-pillagey, it’s a pleasure to re-introduce Rollomatik to your very sexy ears. A beautiful hip hop soul blend with plenty of horn and sass. Rollomatik are from Finland, which to our ears just screams Christmas and reindeers and beef and cheese! John Lewis could have employed these boys and had a few quid left over from their 7 million pound advert….or for £30 each they could have had me and Spinforth and Shakin’ Stevens all in tights pushing mince pies into each other. Sexy. 92bpm ▼
I love My Therapist. Not only has he the good ears to put two great things together, he also has the courtesy to fully credit everyone involved. I love him as one of his ingredients is the ever amazing Palov, an artist I love as much as puppies, biscuits and puppy biscuits (mmmm, smell so good) As an avid amateur blurb writer I also follow the A-I-D-A (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) approach as often as I can and appreciate a fellow acolyte….although I do tend to litter my blurbs with general helpings of A-L-O-B-A-B-A-B (A Lot Of Bollocks and Bullshit and Badgers) 95bpm ▼
Will you look at the time! It’s skank o’clock! Step forward Sir Bruised Willis of Missile! We love Sir Bruce (Good game, good game) This skanktathlon is no ordinary tune, Don’t Worry, Eat Burek is a collaboration with the syrup tongued Las Balkanieras (say hello here) I could listen to those vocals all day long…I wonder if any of them are up for a naked from the waist down arm wrestle? 97bpm ▼
The pathway of a Scour tune is often convoluted and murky, Take Arnivore & Ocelus & Chrispop’s ‘Mamma Said La La Saraghina’. 2012 Kaligola Disco Bazar brought out an EP of extraordinary magnitude (amazeo!) eight months ago Chrispop versioned it, appearing in Scour 82, today Arnivore & Ocelus dropped The Mamma Said acapella over it and knocked it out of the park! Blaow! How ya like me now?! ALTERNATIVE DOWNLOAD LINK REQUESTED/AVAILABLE ON SOUNDCLOUD/IN TRACK DESCRIPTION 102bpm ▼
SCOUR #96 EXCLUSIVE: What happens when you put three titanic legends in the same room? Worlds collide, dark matter gets liberally spilt as if it was money shot juice, Quasars form and black holes occur. So just your general high grade shenanigans. DJ Inko remixes Timothy Wisdom and Busta!’s Pound For Pound sublimely….we hope Inko has a jaunty hat, NO ONE wears a hat of such jauntiestness as our Tim and Busta! Click on the following text to grab your very kindly donated..>>SCOUR EXCLUSIVE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
Cheshire is a bit of a fox in the box. Awesome EP earlier in the year and you may remember his disgustingly rude Down In Mexico track from a few Scour’s ago. Chunky and lovely, like a Yorkie chocolate bar. Do they still make Yorkies? I used to like the Cabana, but that was a bit acid jazz. (If I had a hashtag on my laptop i’d put one in here) :Random Chocolate bars they don’t make anymore: 104bpm ▼
The Father baits his lines and once again goes fishing for girls in the river of love. I remember when his tunes had more hooks in than the bit in hellraiser when they open that box and the multitude of hooks fly around and cause some serious damage, good to see the more mature Father casually strolling down to the river and dropping in the one massive, solid gold hook that screams “I AM FUNK, COME GET SOME!” 104bpm ▼
D.End has a fiddle with House Of Pain’s Jump Around. Lovely work, very uniquely D.End who does nothing to dispel the rumour that he is Kraftwerk’s love child, separated at birth and raised by a family of bass guitars and monkey porn stars. 106bpm ▼
Is this a back door ‘wiff? Nobody puts baby in the corner and nobody let’s DJ Steve Jones in through the back door (..easy now, not like that). Steve Jones adds a little bit of something sexy to something that is already very sexy, i’m not sure what that makes him….triple sexy? Akin to putting Nigella in my mind with two swedish Au Pairs, a world of nylon and a big bag of extra curricula’s. There’s nothing backdoor about that… ALTERNATIVE DOWNLOAD LINK REQUESTED/AVAILABLE ON SOUNDCLOUD/IN TRACK DESCRIPTION 108bpm ▼
The Bas Lexter Ensample made one of my favourite songs of the summer, Kilburn Soulshaker. Remember rolling around in the back of the (previously known as) Holy Rolly at Boomtown with that skanking out of the back doors, good times! Austria’s Ras Gass (welcome to The Scour sir!) has had a tasty little tinker with it, dive in! – your crates will thank you for also grabbing the original!
110bpm ▼
His Royal highness DJ Wood has very kindly let this one out of the bag for our listening and dancing pleasure – No Ice Cream On The Road, I love sensible song titles, i’m working on ‘No Shouting In The Back’ and ’No heavy Petting Or Bombing’ Big Love n thanks Sir Wood x 110bpm ▼
Tighten your belts and batten down your hatches! Your spleen and pancreas may well be about to jump ship! Professor WBBL (..for he has just graduated) does James Brown proud with added bass and bounce. Hopefully his degree isn’t in engineering, we wouldn’t want to lose him in some kind of Wesley Crusher/Star Trek young genius type of affair. Employers of Earth, give WBBL a Job that keeps him on this planet! Thankyouplease. 110bpm ▼
DJ Dub:ra gives Heavy D’s Don’t Curse a 110bpm beef-up. I must confess I was quickly on the hotline to Spinforth to ping Dub:ra for not name checking Booker T & The MGs, my bad for not realising that’s exactly what Heavy D did back in the day, also a touch of The Tramp in there, probably a load of other gems these old mans ears are too feeble to pick out. Now, where’s my horlicks? Oh, there it is. I seem to have wet myself too. 110bpm ▼
DJ GrooveCellar! You’ve done it again! Who’d have thought a marriage between Manhattan Transfer and Cut Chemist would be so bloody amazing! DJ GrooveCellar, that’s who. I’m going to keep my eye on him, his milkshake is bringing all my girls to the yard. Damn right! 112bpm ▼
Ocelus’s remix of Sublime’s What I’ve Got. A dance floor filler for sure. At various times throughout my life – and in wildly contrasting scenarios – i’ve been asked ‘What I’ve got’ Pubic Lice is one particular reply that springs to mind which brought all conversation to a stand still. Scratch that! 112bpm ▼
DJ Inko strikes again! A Doors rework that stays true to the original with added chop and mustard is never going to be far away from The Scour. I wonder what Jim would be like today had he not passed. Would he be all woolly like Paul Mcartney or all stringy like Iggy. Would he still be the King Snake dressed in leather or would he be in a nice warm jumper and slippers, perhaps with a precautionary lemsip in hand, to take the edge off? 116bpm ▼
Hopefully you would have purchased by now your copy of the very excellent JayL Funk EP out on ReSoul, and available to purchase >>HERE
Gus Pirelli delivers the Ragga Boogie (yes, the boogie) on Mr Benn’s track ‘Without A Trace’, ably assisted by The Ragga Twins who are all ‘up in the place’ as only the Ragga Twins can be. Mr Benn’s beautiful album is available >>HERE
117bpm ▼
CMC&Silenta are clever buggers with ears like musical encyclopaedias. Incredibly well played to spot ‘runnin’! Crack open all your glowsticks and join us as we enjoy their D&B rework of Pharrell Williams’ Happy. Are we? We are? Is there a Yoda echo in here?! Are we? We are? Is there a Yoda echo in here?! Yes, there is. Is there? Yes. 162bpm ▼
Thank you for taking your time once again to follow The Scour, we hope you had fun, there were tears, there was laughter, there were badgers and some crazy stunts, claret was spilt, violence was offered, sex was had, funk was shared, jazz was spared and no one got seriously hurt, which is how we like it. It leaves us now to cleanse your palate and wipe your weary brow with this incredibly beautiful Curveball stylee shaped thing from Dropsteady Freddy; his Jazz (D’oh), Snares and Love Affairs EP is rather stunning. 80/112/76bpm ▼
Check back on all previous Scours via: >>The Scour Archives<<.
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