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Empresarios – September Mixtape 2018
Starting off with some Hip Hop styled beats the Empresarios take us on a tropical journey with a lot of Latino vibes before moving onto a more 4 on the floor flow all the while keeping the funk.
Hailing from the Washington DC area, the Empresarios are adept at mixing diverse cultures and sounds together. This five man collective led by Javier Miranda (Vocals, Congas, Producer) alongside John Bowen (Video DJ, Producer), Paul Chaconas (Guitar, Bass, Keys, Producer, Engineer), Sonny Cheeba (Brazilian/Latin DJ, Producer) and Sammy Arsam Khosh (House DJ, Producer) bring their own personal style to every track. There is no shortage of creativity among these talented musicians and DJs and their influences, from downtempo, dub, Latin, house, trip-hop and reggaeton can all be heard in their definitive, eclectic sound.
Empresarios – Ten Cuidao (acapella)
Eva vs. Just to get a Rep (Pied Piper regroove)
Pete Rock & CL Smooth – T.R.O.Y (Altered Tapes Rework)
Thievery Corporation – El Pueblo Unido (Miguel Migs Petalpusher dub)
Kort – Tomorrow (Sabo edit)
Sabrosa Soul – Sabrosa Salsa
All Good Funk Alliance – In the Rain
La Lupita (Whiskey Baron’s rework)
Les Loups – Club Coeur Theme (Ben Jay edit)
Orquesta Ritmo De Sabanas – Que? Se Hicieron (DJ Inko & Smallfall remix)
DJ Butcher – Disco Owl
Chuck Brown – Berro e Sombaro
Sharam Jey – Fly Beat (Nick Bike edit)
HNNY – Hotline Riddim
Jerky Yana Hoe Rhythm – Jim Pepper & The Exotic Drum Band ( Petko Turner edit)
Yoko Half Pint – Cost of Living (club mix)
Willie Colon – Set Fire To Me (Phunktastike rework)
Empresarios – Desde lo Mas Profundo (acapella)
Bobby Valentin – Barengue Merengue (Mark de Clive remix)
Thee Cool Cats – ZigZags (Rob Made edit)
Munk – Latinoboogie