Your daily source of breakbeat, dubstep, electro swing, ghetto funk music.
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State of Breaks with Phylo – November 30, 2015
Switched it up again on the State of Breaks and went for more of a chill feel with this live mix of downtempo tracks. I set the mood with styles from the likes of Rameses B, Eggchan, Casual Connection, JFB, Maygi, Kraak & Smaak, and an original from me.
Direct Download: State of Breaks – November 9, 2015
The State of Breaks with Phylo on NSB Radio – 11-30-2015 by Phylo on Mixcloud
Ott – Adrift In Hilbert Space
Rameses B – Angel Whisperer ft. Myth
Submotion Orchestra – Sleepwalker
Forever Blues – purge&audit (Eggchan)
Wick-it the Instigator – Grey Sky (feat. Heather Jones)
Pedigree Cuts – Smooth thoughts
Aaliyah – Rock the Boat (Shigeto Remix)
Pedigree Cuts – French riviera
Hookie – Deeper Love
Hocus Pocus – Move On feat. Dalja & C2C (Casual Connection Revision)
11A – 82 – Who Am I (MACRODOT remix)
Pedigree Cuts – Dreamwalking
Meems- Good For Life
Shimi Sonic – Cold Blodded Murder
Parker – To Eternity
David McCallum – The Edge (Karim Sextended Edit)
Kabanjak – Numumba (Alternative Version)
Myagi – The Dub Drums
Finley Quaye – Even After All (Tom Showtime’s Trip-Hop Edit)
Kraak & Smaak – Drunken
Freear – Joined At The Soul [Leftfield vs Yann Tiersen vs Dub Fx vs Portishead vs Bernard Herrmann]
Mujaji – Siempre (jk mix)
Phylo – Let’s Get It Together

HKPP – Beating The Crates 17.02.14
Beating The Crates 20140217 by Hong Kong Ping Pong on Mixcloud
Morphosis ‘Beating The Crates’ in a Hong Kong Ping Pong Styleeeeee in association with www.ghettofunk.co.uk brings you the whole of Spinforth’s #100th Soundcloud Scour and a few extras for good measure.
You can download 33 of the tunes featured in this show for FREE right here how good is that!
This show is now available to download from the NSB Radio Archives and to stream on Mixcloud!
01 Maze – Happy Feelin’s (AGFA Redux)
02 B.Visible – Saw Chop
03 Titan Sound – Billy Oh
04 Dephicit and The Fritz – Mambo
05 Joe Revell – Hand Me Downs in the Basement – RJD2 vs Pete Rock & CL Smooth (Redline Refix)
06 Titan Sound – Made You Sleng Teng
07 Lauryn Hill – Lost Ones (Dj Inko Remix)
08 Rakim – Heat it up (Bruce Missile ReRub)
09 The Allergies – Gather Around
10 AfroQBen – Hypnotize Me
11 Cedar Senior & Imagine This – This Funk I’m kickin’ (Alias VIP)
12 DJ Maars & Waggles – Elevate The Mind
13 Leo – 24ct Funk
14 S Strong & Boogie Belgique – Noir
15 Bobby C Sound TV – Sardines
16 Father Funk – SayerWhat
17 El Bomba – Never Dibby Dibby
18 James Brown – Sex Machine (Funk Ferret & Goodgroove Remix)
19 KC And The Sunshine Band – That’s The Way ( I Like It ) ( J-Sound Remix )
20 Route 94 – My Love (WBBL Remix)
21 The Funk Hunters & DJ Wood – Nasty
22 Sammy Senior – Goin’ Crazy
23 HKPP – Right On Bucovina
24 Superfort – Rap5K [Feat. JPrime]
25 Ray Charles – I Got A Woman (Father Funk Remix)
26 Lack Jemmon – Hello World, Hello Lorde
27 X-Ray Ted – Up For The Downstroke (X-Ray Tedit)
28 Rufus Thomas – Funky Hot Grits (Rollomatik Remix)
29 ATFC x BONDi Stereo – Sleep Talk (BONDi Stereo Shakedown)
30 Leo – Get On Down
31 Warp9 – Prince 1999 (Warp9Refunk)
32 Bar Kays – Shake Your Rump To The Funk (Skeewiff Re-Wiff)
33 Pugzilla – One Dirty Row
34 Warp9 – Yum Yum
35 Funk The System – Funky Therapy
36 The Rolling Stones – Gimme Shelter (The Phunk Junkies Remix)
37 The Allergies – As We Do Our Thing
38 Skeewiff – Nitty Gritty
39 DJ Tzinas ft Clinton Sly – Real Good Gal (Dark Able Remix)
40 The Cure – Close to me (Funkanizer Remix)

Spinforth’s Celebratory Centenary Scour 100
Easy all yee Scouroops™, Spinforth here..Three years, two weeks, five days and c.Seventeen hundred and seventy eight (yep, that’s 1778!! give or take a few duplicates in my iTunes library) Scoured tunes later..we have miraculously arrived at this – My/your/our/everybody’s ‘Spinforth’s Celebratory Centenary Scour #100′!!! WTF’n'HOW!!??
Well..please don’t ask me how, cause I honestly haven’t a funkin’ clue. If you’d told me back on January 26th 2011 when i kicked off this little blog of mine that I’d still be Scouring 3 years and 100 Scours later I’d have thought you utterly mental. Turns out I have though, and it’s clearly me whom is the utterly mental one. That said, although it’s undoubtedly been mega hard work keeping The Scour rolling for the last 3 years, it’s been both a huge honour and a massive privilege for me to have done so. Over these past 3 years The Scour has delivered me an incredible number of proper sound and respected new fiends from all around the world, many of whom i have had the pleasure of guiding and nurturing into the scene via these fussy ears of mine that i’m often babbling on about. It’s allowed me the opportunity and associated challenges of bringing through numerous exceedingly talented up n comers, many of whom are now so bloody good that launching Scour Records was the next logical step to ensure they’d be treated with the utmost respect at all times, through their musical ‘next step on the official release ladder’ journey. It’s brought me festival gigs, overseas tours/tour (..just the one for me, I must endeavour to work harder for my #2) for both me and my DJ Crew – The Hong Kong Ping Pong Club. Sleepless nights/weeks a plenty, barrels of laughs reading and editing Fat Harry‘s comedy genius blurbs. Award(s) for Scour records. Hand written letters from legendary Superstars (..yep, that’s you Daddy G). Numerous bad backs. Far too many rollie fags. Crates bursting with wicked n rad freshly Scoured gems. An amazing girlfriend whom somehow puts up with my relentless Scouring for 30+ hours of my spare time every other week. It’s brought me YOU, The Scour’s avid fans, followers and/or occasional passers by. Yep, there no if or buts about it, The Scour has completely changed my entire life, something that I’m immensely thankful for, and of which my only wish was that my late Father was alive this day to witness, and hopefully be proud of me for. Eeeek..welling up here, I best move on…
So yeah, all of the above The Scour has brought me. One thing it hasn’t allowed me though, is very much time off, ‘me time’, holiday time, time to chill and reflect and focus on my ‘real life’ for a while. This must soon change, I’ve been neglecting my real life world and friends and family too much over these last few years, so I think I’m well over due a very extended Scour holiday which, for your infos, I’ll be kicking off the moment the Scourdust™ has settled on this, my 100th Scour. At least a whole month, quite possibly two. Fear not..I’ll be back, The Scour is far too important to me to desert entirely. I sincerely hope you’ll miss me while i’m off, and eagerly look forward to my return. It’ll fly by I’m sure, before you know myself and F’arry will be back delivering you Scour 101, fresh as daisies and ready to fill your crates with Scoured up gems once more. Whilst away I would appreciate you still sending me your fresh tunes, can’t 100% promise to reply to all the emails, but i will still be listening to everything that you send through. Hoping to even try my own hand at production, Santa brought me Logic at Xmas but to this day I haven’t even found the spare time to boot it up, cause I’ve been too preoccupied Scouring for you all. This must change. Time off is undoubtedly required.
Before i bugger off for a bit though, I just wanted to express the sincerest of my thank you’s to EVERYBODY whom has ever tuned into The Scour over the last 3 years, be you artists whom have very generously produced and shared their tunes for free, or just fellow DJ’s and/or avid fans of rad free music that I’ve Scoured up over the last few years. To Ghetto Funk HQ for hosting and supporting this little blog of mine, and of course to my crew – Fat Harry & Morph – for their assistance and support of all things Scour’y along the way. Without you lot I probably wouldn’t have made it much past Scour #1, to think I’ve now successfully delivered 100, is truly astonishing! Thank you everyone. Extraspecailly so to all yee Scour lover thumbers out there. You’re legends every single one.
So, here comes my temporary parting gift to you all to tuck into and savour whilst I’m away. Three months ago I sent out a choice selection of VIP invites into Scour 100. The only rules accompanying those invites were that all submitted tunes were to be 100% exclusive to the post, and ideally they had to be of the highest possible quality, at least a notch or two higher than your average freebie. I think it’s fair to say, I either chose my invites very wisely, or all of the artists whom are supported below rose to and excelled at the challenge. That’s my view anyway, and I cannot thank ALL of them enough for delivering the goods which undoubtedly ensures that this, my/your/our/everybody’s ‘Spinforth’s Celebratory Centenary Scour #100′, is by far the very very best Scour to date, bar none..according to my fussy eared opinion anyway! Huuuuuge thanks to all of you for producing and donating the goods that have made it so. I owe you all at least a gazillon plays and a million downloads each. Obviously I can’t promise that, but my fingers are very crossed that the insane amounts of hard work gone into this post by us all pays it’s dues via rad Scourma™, and that this post now blows the funk up to deliver you as many as Scourmanly™ possible. Will be requiring a multitude of word spreading thumbs for that to happen please, as well as the most ever Comments‘, or ‘❤’s‘, and/or click of the ‘Repost ↻ Button‘ as you all can muster pleeeeease! All good? A fair price to pay for the exceedingly tasty exclusive freebies below, I sincerely hope you’ll all very soon agree.
That’s me Scoured right out for a while folks, as my good friend Mr Clow would say..’it’s been emotional’. Time now to hand you all over to F’arry to introduce you all to no less than 33 of the hottest Scour exclusives on the planet.
Scour lover thumbers at the ready, aaaaand…
Enjoy! x
P.S. Keep up to date with all things ‘Scour’ via the Spinforth Facebook Page liking button below..
If you have a tune that you would like considered for support via a forthcoming Scour, please email to: [email protected] /* */ , or send in a private message to my Spinforth Fan Page.
Diggin’ these Scoured tunes enough to download? Please pay your dues to the artists whom have kindly shared to you for free, via your word spreading ‘Comment‘, or ‘❤‘, and/or click of the ‘Repost ↻ Button‘ . Many thanks in advance.
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #1: Scour Sooperdooper Star B.Visible’s back! Kicking off proceedings like he’s never been away. In fact he’s been busy working on his other project as a magician. Not being very good with the sleight of hand stuff or escapology and after a very tragic rabbit/hat incident he’s now solely concentrating on sawing stuff in half. He’s still not quite mastered the ‘putting them back together’ part of the show so if you catch ‘The Amazing B.Visible saws stuff in half’ in a town near you, be sure to sit at the back and volunteer for nothing.
Please courteously follow B.Visible on SoundCloud and B.Visible on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #2: What’s funkier than a blue fox in a tux? Not much bredren! Maybe a moonwalking brown fox in a rasta hat with Bootsy Collins sunglasses and a Michael Jackson wrist cast on one of its legs might get close. Shamone! Handy that when not mashing up the finest Reginald & Hippity Hoppety treats, Titan Sound’s Pappa Demus runs a Rasta Bootsy-slash-Jackson brown fox finishing school. :Fetch: Sit: :Moonwalk: :Skin up: :lick balls: are their specialities, if your fox is deficient in any of those areas hit ‘em up for a quick polish x
Please courteously follow Titan Sound’s Pappa Demus on SoundCloud and Titan Sound on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #3: He was a hard hitting, hard drinking hard man’s hard man, she was a coquettish vixen with a heaving bosom and ruby red lips, and when they teamed up, it was MURDER! That’s right! northern pin up The Fritz tag teams musical heavyweight and chiselled jaw sex stallion Dephicit and the pair literally smash your back doors in as they crash through your home like Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger in a slow motion bar brawl to a low slung cowboy ballet of glitchy mambo beats. I wish I could quit you!
Please courteously follow The Fritz on SoundCloud and The Fritz on Facebook, Dephicit on SoundCloud and Dephicit on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated…>>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #4: Gather round fellas and fellettes! Another Scour Records Sooperdooper Star has kindly taken the time to deliver a solid gold, bona fide Pete Rock and CL Smooth party block rocker! Top work from ‘Juicy’ Joe Revell! This one’s for you bud…and a one, and a two and a three….Juicy Joe from down below has just popped in to say hello, how much dough will you charge me Joe, to help me catch this bloody crow? Jesus Joe! That’s that’s too much bro, how ‘bout I show my camel toe? Fo Sho Joe, here have a go (unzips his downstairs man afro) Come back Joe! I was kidding yo! How about we listen to Status Quo….oh. He’s gone. That Joe, he’s a bloody legend!
Please courteously follow Joe Revell on SoundCloud>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #5: Titan Sound’s Selecta Demo is a mad genius, Because he has a golden gun? No! Because he has three nipples? Actually yes! Well, he might do, who knows! What am I, the nipple police? Here he unleashes his newest musical invention, The Wasp Theremin! A broomstick, some maple syrup, sellotape, a family sized bag of haribo, one thousand wasps and a thin layer of varnish and Boom! A new musical instrument has been invented. Just in the nick of time too, as ‘Made You Sleng Teng’ would have sounded a bit ‘wasp light’ without it. Jumpin’ Jack Jaspers!
Please courteously follow Titan Sound’s Selecta Demo on SoundCloud and Titan Sound on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #6: DJ Inko gets all ‘skanky drunken trumpet’ with Lauryn Hill – if you listen closely you can hear the seagulls in the background, don’t feed them by the way – they quickly get addicted to chips and it won’t take them long before they start teaming up and dive bombing you, even trying to steal them from your hand as you quickly try to push them in your mouth. Attacks have become so ferocious that for public safety all members of the Fugees have now been banned from our promenades. Except for Wycleef Jean, who only comes out in the winter and is of no threat on his own.
Please courteously follow DJ Inko on SoundCloud and DJ Inko on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 FREE EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #7: Sir Very Bruce of Missile is warmly welcomed to the Scour 100 stage. He’s looking sexy hot in his Cuban heels, patent leather trousers, braces and fedora. Are those genuine prison tattoos Sir Very? Of course they are, 20 years hard labour for the constant smashing up of dance floors and the spraying of sex scent in DJ Booths across the world through his endless supply of top quality Scour exclusives – that’s why they call him the Jackal (of love).
Please courteously follow Bruce Missile on SoundCloud and Bruce Missile on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 FREE EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #8: All-star funky legends The Allergies generously take the time to whip out a wild cat for their Scour 100 entry. This cat isn’t just wild, it’s livid! My clothes are shredded after it chased me through town. If it wasn’t for the checkout lady asking it if it had ‘a Clubcard or no?’ my liver would have been clawed out right there on Tescos floor. They can smell fear apparently (Tescos checkout ladies and cats), although in this case it might be that my underwear was made of albino jaguar whiskers. Smell the fear, taste the funk!
Please courteously follow The Allergies on SoundCloud and The Allergies on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #9: The ever un-pigeonholable AfroQBen is at it again, more versatile than one of those Genius QVC vegetable cutting devices that slices! and dices! It Cuts! It Chops! It tops and bottoms! Cubes? large or small Madame? It has a safety guard and cleans itself in 4 seconds! It walks the dog, speaks French, pleasures the ladies…or the fellas, it tosses! and comes in two colours! (as does AfroQBen) Blooded-knuckle red or finger nail off-white…all yours for only 3 easy payments of ninety nine nine nine nine nine! And if you call now we’ll throw in a mini-genius chopper! But that’s not all! You’ll also get a massive genius chopper and mega UBERChopU, but that’s not all! We’ll throw in a stack of tupperware! A G-String! And Mexico! Hai Carumba!
Please courteously follow AfroQBen on SoundCloud and AfroQBen on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #10: Tired of my multiple attempts to defy the court exclusion order, DJ MAARS has employed the mad skills of Waggles as his close protection officer. It doesn’t matter, I’ve watched The Bodyguard several times and worked out the only way to get past Waggles is by something less orthodox, i’ve purchased ’Voodoo for Dummies’. I’m not quite there yet and have nearly exhausted all my own body hair, but it does work, I blow a handful of pubes and fluids into every venue DJ MAARS plays and people’s heads start to nod – “VOODOO twerking!” I shout as I get led out in an armlock.
Please courteously follow DJ MAARS on SoundCloud and DJ MAARS on Facebook, Waggles on SoundCloud and Waggles on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #11: Cedar Senior & Imagine This get all VIP remixed up in our grill, courtesy of New Zealand’s ever awesome DJ Alias. Not content with militarising the world’s population of Girl Guides and Morris dancers, the trio have been building a robot version of Slash to lay down the grooves on this very special remix of their recent Scour Records Smash (and our first venture into releasing original material) namely their ‘Funk I’m Kickin’ EP‘. RoboSlash takes no prisoners…actually he does but only by hamstringing them so they can’t run away. Hang on a second, that’s not RoboSlash..that’s Cedar Senior in a cardboard box and IT in an upturned bin…..and Alias wearing 6 months worth of empty toilet roll holders! Move Along! These aren’t the droids you’re looking for!
Please courteously follow DJ Alias on SoundCloud and DJ Alias on Facebook, and Cedar Senior on SoundCloud and Cedar Senior on Facebook, and Imagine This on SoundCloud and Imagine This on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #12: S Strong & Boogie Belgique get all flappy on our asses and all swingy on our balls. This tune was the B-Side to Balloo’s ‘Bear Necessites’ and follows on the story of the prickly pear, which turned out to be a peyote cactus. Feel the disturbing darkness build as Baloo’s trip turns a little sour as he slowly realises he’s a bear, he can sing and talk, he is alone and his massive cartoon paws are in fact massive cartoon paws. Mercifully the tune ends before he can viciously turn on Mowgli, his cartoon handlers are able to feed him more ketamine ants (you’re gonna love the way they tickle) to allow him to get through the scene with the dancing bananas and the singing monkeys. Phew!
Please courteously follow S Strong on SoundCloud and S Strong on Facebook, Boogie Belgique on SoundCloud and Boogie Belgique on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #13: Leo puts all his very filthiest of J5 seeds into the one basket of trim and fertile lady eggs, and why not? It is nearly Easter. Just beware that in a few weeks time we could have some of the funkiest chicks in the world strutting around rapping, rhyming and pooping all over the place, doing gigs for the Cows when they’re milkin’, goats when they’re milkin’ and pigs when they’re ‘having sex in the mud’. Generally threatening to turn Leo’s farm into Leo’s Pallooza! I wonder if that’s how it all started?
Please courteously follow Leo on SoundCloud and Leo on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #14: No celebration of The Scour would be proper and correct without an appearance from the original Red Lobster his fine self, Tricky-Ricky Bobster C of Sound and Television! Bobby’s robot laser funk has underpinned many a Scour and many a dance floor, each of us are indebted to him in some small way. Yet again Bobby sends us his love, this time all wrapped up in musky fish snacks – Sardines! Hell yes! Not just any old sardines, Bobby’s sardines come wearing the now obligatory Michael Jackson red leather suit, tooled up with the ever present frikkin’ laser beams. Hope you like your fish smoked!
Please courteously follow Bobby C Sound TV on SoundCloud and Bobby C Sound TV on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #15: El Bomba is in the house Scour-pad™! In German El Bomba is often referred to as ‘Die Pumpy’ or ‘Das Hoff’, such is his presence in a tight fitting red swimsuit. We don’t mind what he’s called, we judge not creed nor colour, we just dance and stroke beards which is good because El Bomba has crammed more jumpy aroundy dance hooks into four minutes than the aforementioned Hoff stuffs into his slightly too tight jeans every day. We love you El Bomba, you make our nippels strammstehen baby!
Please courteously follow El Bomba on SoundCloud and El Bomba on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #16: Little known fact, Superfort was one of the dancers in Spike Jonze’s ‘Praise You’ video, he was the hot blonde in the pink ski pants, he was also the chief of the police in the ‘Push The Tempo’ video and Christopher Walken’s body double in ‘Weapons Of Choice’. Big with the Fatboy is our man Superfort! Big with the ladies too, he’s been romantically linked to a long line of super models; the Spitfire, the QE2, in fact anything airfix ever made he’s had his grubby mitts on, we love him longtime!
Please courteously follow Superfort on SoundCloud and Superfort on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #17: Warmest of welcomes to ALL things Scour Lack Jemmon! (..coming soon to a forthcoming ‘Scoured Cream Vol.04′ near you too!) Pop your clothes on the side, we’ll be with you just as soon as we’ve finished artificially inseminating these pubic lice, it’s ok, they don’t jum…whoops, hey where’d they go?! N’awww, see their little happy faces, be free my friends… Jaw dropping sonics from Lack Jemmon, this has been exploding our pants at HKPP HQ faster than we can replace them, we’ve resorted to covering our groins in jam and lying in the sun, letting fire ants swarm us and using them as nature’s knickers. There are thankfully no words to adequately describe the combined bite as 30,000 fire ants chomp down hard when the bass first drops. :Ow:
Please courteously follow Lack Jemmon on SoundCloud and Lack Jemmon on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>MORE LACK JEMMON FACEBOOK LIKES REQUIRED TO UNLOCK DOWNLOAD
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #18: If music was porn…we’d be expecting to have WBBL bash a massive prosthetic willy in our faces and try and fill us with multiple digits and pies of cream or something. Instead of the expected top shelf gizzard and dazzle flangeathon, he buys us some flowers, holds the door open before treating us to a glorious candlelit meal and a horse and carriage home, with a gentlemanly peck on the cheek before bidding us adieu and driving off into the moonlight. DREAM BOAT! His Route 94 remix is charming and subtle and grows more and more powerful with every listen. Oi! Get your fingers out sunshine! …for we are officially wet for a man called WBBL x
Please courteously follow WBBL on SoundCloud and WBBL on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #19: Bondi Stereo’s been quiet on Soundcloud for a while, probably been surfing or arm wrestling cougars or whatever rugged Australian Bondi beach types get up to in their summer months. I’d certainly be on the beach every day, lunging up and down in my thongs and my budgie smugglers, hoping to get robbed at knife point just so I could say “That’s not a knife, THIS is a knife!” Before meekly handing over all my jewels and swag. I wouldn’t even mind, because if Bondi keeps giving out gems like this for free i’ll always be a rich man, chaffed from all the lunging, bleeding from all the knife banter and with sunburnt arse cheeks maybe, but rich nonetheless! You get me blud!
Please courteously follow Bondi Stereo on SoundCloud and Bondi Stereo on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #20: Funk Ferrett & Sir Slimothy of Goodgroove unveil their very own Sex Machine, also known as the Orgasulater and the icream. It’s official name is The Ladies Love Hardon Collider (LLHC). The LLHC was built in collaboration with over 10,000 scientists and engineers from over 100 countries. It was primarily built to prove or disprove the existence of The Howla particle (..whom sadly couldn’t quite be with us in time for this Scour). It lies in a tunnel 27 kilometres in circumference, 175 meters below the Swiss border and is considered ‘One of the greatest engineering milestones of mankind’ Way to Go Slim and FunkFerrett!
Please courteously follow Funk Ferret on SoundCloud and Goodgroove on SoundCloud and Goodgroove on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #21: J-Sound Smacks us down with more of his lycra-based heavy hitting. My teeth have only just finished re-setting after the last beating he gave me with a chair. I thought wrestlers were all play fighting, tight pants and long flowing mullets – not if you’re from Wales, for that is how they always roll and – before he cuts me – who is anyone else to judge. For Scour 100 J-Sound has battered the sweet life out of KC and The Sunshine Band’s – ‘That’s The Way I Like It’. What you’ll hear is a song that has been smacked around the ring within an inch of it’s life, been taunted by a crowd of thousands of braying near-goths then, just when all seemed lost the song came back with a new lease of life and nearly turned the tables on J-Sound, before he (probably) smacked it over the head with a chair.
Please courteously follow J-Sound on SoundCloud and J-Sound on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #22: Hong Kong Ping Pong are here with their pedal powered balkan repair kit. What does it do? Ha, what do you mean ‘What does it do?’ :scratches head: ummmm :kicks floor: Not sure actually but…it’s got TUBAS! and TRUMPETS! and TURKISH DELIGHTS! plus all manifestation of eastern european shenanigans; plenty of belly dancing, vampires, no ladies, not the Twilight kind, the Vlad the impaler kind, nesting dolls, donkeys, accordions, swords and vodka…..and scabies! Hooray! Right on Bucovina, a fruity aroma of eastern promise with a heady reek of burnt (Dope on) plastic.
Please courteously follow Hong Kong Ping Pong on SoundCloud and Hong Kong Ping Pong on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #23: Sammy Senior’s Going Crazy! Rag time Ghetto-swag-swing? How crazy does that sound? Nearly as crazy as a bag full of Freddie Mercury’s moustaches! I know Sammy quite well and he cherishes his collection of Freddie Mercury moustaches. He keeps them pinned like trophy moths in an exquisite hand-made walnut cabinet. You thought he’s just been on tour to Canada? Oh no, he was acting on a tip off that the rare ‘Yellow Tail’ (Skaramooshius Skaramoosh) worn by Freddie during Queen’s famed Vancouver gig in 1980, had been found in a down town flea market. Sadly for Sammy it turned out to be the much more common European Corn-Borer (Fandango thunderboltandlightningius) and he returned home empty hearted, fortunately he composed this rip-snorter of a tune on the long pedalo home! Magnifico!
Please courteously follow Sammy Senior on SoundCloud and Sammy Senior on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #24: Father Funk is Mr. Big stuff! We’re not surprised at all that he’s Got A Woman. At thirteen feet tall, he’s one of the longest people we’ve ever had the pleasure of working with at Scour Records, he’s a funky man-shaped giraffe. Seriously though, the success of Father Funk is what inspires us to keep putting the hours in on The Scour blog and Scour Records. It’s hard to put in to words the pleasure, the feeling of joy and – dammit – the simple honour we experience by helping along producers like the good Father in their musical journey. Quick, pass me the tissues…..What? No! i’m not going to cry, I just find giraffes really, really arousing!
Please courteously follow Father Funk on SoundCloud and Father Funk on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #25: Rollomatik got a call that one of the meanest, dirtiest funk tunes in the world was causing havoc in the dancehall, they donned their proton packs, moonwalked onto the dance floor in ghostbuster outfits, caught the song – whilst not crossing the streams – and popped it in their trap as it kicked, fought, swore and spat at them, they moonwalked off stage left and hightailed it to back to Rollomatik HQ Where Egon Rollomatik and Dan Akroyd Rollomatik did some serious remixing work whilst Bill Murray Rollomatik was funny and creepy in a way that would probably get himself put on a register if he tried that shizzle now but he did funny walks and tried to sexor everyone! and it was the eighties so it was allowed. Rick Moranis Rollomatik turned into a Big wet dog and Rufus Thomas’ Funky Hot Grits turned into a gigantic marshmallow sex machine man! He slimed me!
Please courteously follow Rollomatik on SoundCloud and Rollomatik on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated.. >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #26: Pray that X-Ray Ted never asks you “Hey, do you think this smells of Chloroform?” It’ll be the last time you’ll ever enjoy having kidneys and/or a spleen, for when he’s not making glorious beats, he’s devising cunning plans to sell on high grade human gizzards to be dried and ground down in the back streets of Canton, you’ll be stuck, cut and stitched before you can say “OMG X-Ray Ted, it really does!” and your dried essence will be sprinkled as sex powder over some old Yaya’s love machine. You can’t stay mad at him though, he’s cheekier than a top hatted meerkat in tight tartantula pants!
Please courteously follow X-Ray Ted on SoundCloud and X-Ray Ted on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #27: Warp9 has been producing some of the finest glitch hop out there over this past eighteen months, imagine the damage if the warpies got their hands on some proper stone cold funk and say, glitched it up all subtle and tasteful like. Oh no, you’ll never believe it, that’s only just what’s gone and happened here! The Fatback Band’s Yum Yum (Gimme Some) has been Warp9’d to within an inch of its life and is already deciding where it shall go in your set lists! Cheeky! I feel kind of sorry for Warp9, it must be like being Danny Glover in the Skittles advert where everything he touches turns to sweet, sweet candy. The price of genius. Touch the rainbow, taste the rainbow…. Yum Yum!
Please courteously follow Warp9 on SoundCloud and Warp on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #28: When the Generals of funk, The Bar Kays, tell us to ‘Shake our Rumps to the Funk’, we happily and gaily start swinging our bottoms around like we’re nasty!. When Gunnery Staff Sergeant Skeewiff leans over the Bar Kays’ shoulder, rips the needle across the record and barks THAT’S NOT RUMP SHAKING YOU MAGGOTS! DROP AND GIVE ME TWENTY! We drop like stones and crack out twenty of the finest. Gunnery Staff Sergeant Skeewiff is mean and swears and shouts a lot, he makes us march and run and do push ups and he teaches us rude songs and makes us do more push ups, he even promised to ‘unscrew our heads and shizzle down our necks!’ He’s mean but he’s turning us into stone cold funk killing machines! Tennnn HUT!
Please courteously follow Skeewiff on SoundCloud and Skeewiff on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #29: This is swing…as you’ve never heard it before. Pugzilla, love him, could start a fight in a bingo hall on a Monday afternoon. Police dragging blue-rinse bleeding grannies off each other as they come under a hail of urine bombs, dentures and marker pens “YOU SHALL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE COPPER! (Two little ducks…a-twenty tooooah)…..ooooh, house!” This is the ‘Pacific Rim’ of swing, dirty great robots punching the crap out of dirty great….other things (I only saw the trailer – plot looked a bit robot punchy heavy). Imagine Bagpuss with a crew cut and ‘HATE’ ‘HATE’ tattooed on the back of his knuckles. One Dirty Row just leaned out of soundcloud and gave me a slap! God I love it!
Please courteously follow Pugzilla on SoundCloud and Pugzilla on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #30: Hide the drugs and the bats, padlock the drinks cabinet, cover the swimming pool and swallow the key to the Rolls Royce! Everyones favourite stumbling drunks The Phunk Junkies have remixed The Rolling Stones’ Gimme Shelter and God help us, they’re attacking with an undead army of 70’s rockers that simply refuse to die! Iggy! Ozzy! Alice! Arrrrgh! Iggy Pop’s going to bite me! Thank the Lord he lost his own teeth years ago, quick, one more chemical imbalance might just push him over the edge – pass me the Lemsip powder! Alice has me cornered, the sand wedge I think…..FORE! Ozzy’s coming at me like a bat out of, wait, wait. Wrong song! Phunkateers! You crazy Thundercats! Hooooooo!
Please courteously follow The Phunk Junkies on SoundCloud and The Phunk Junkies on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>MORE PHUNK JUNKIES FACEBOOK LIKES REQUIRED TO UNLOCK DOWNLOAD
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #31: Daytoner drizzles Stevie Wonder’s ‘Uptight’ vocal over a Northen Soul Monster-Stomp-a-saurus Rex! Musically fusing the arse end of a My Little Pony to the front end of a Griffin; it’s magical, it’s fantabulous, it’s got bleddy great wings, it’s bum is covered in shiny pink ribbons. The ladies will love it, the kids will shake their tail feathers to it, Hell! It’ll even have the grandparents trying to make each other wet! More uplifting than Marilyn’s skirt, more fun than a Vic and Bob frying pan fight, more good feelings than stroking a cat named Serotonin Tony! Wigan Meats Beats!
Please courteously follow Daytoner on SoundCloud and Daytoner on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #32: That a man I admired was wearing blood red lipstick I could handle, it just used to drive me crazy as to how Robert Smith’s was always so damn messy. Was he always pissed? Did he keep losing a bet? Was it to cover a comedy birthmark or some kind of horrific, always-moving oral herpes? Was he just a lazy tyke or did The Cure do their make up on their way to gigs and they’d only travel in the pouches of punch drunk Kangaroos? Funkanizer says it’s the herpes and I for one believe anything that man says (He also said he’ll pay me in hookers and beers…or hookers with beards, I can’t quite remember). Either way i’m on winning street! The Cure’s Close To Me, with a generously applied, extra-especially thick layer of angry ‘Scour Red’ lipstick slapped on by bearded ladies man Funkanizer.
Please courteously follow Funkanizer on SoundCloud and Funkanizer on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE #33: And so friends, we draw Scour 100 to a close. Truly from the bottom of our hearts we thank you for following The Scour and making it what it is. Each little blue thumb you’ve clicked has been a pebble in our jar of jaguar urine and now our cup truly runneth over (sorry about that, we’ll clean it up but that scent will never go). Thanks to Soundcloud for letting us leech off their underteets, despite their ambivalence to everything/everyone in the world we try to remember they still do provide the platform that The Scour operates from. Thanks to all the amazingly talented producers whom have played their own special part in all 100 Scours. Thanks to Ghetto Funk for continuing to allow us cling to their funky udders – Uber-gents all x What finer way to bid adieu than with the most beautiful of curveballs remixed by ultra special legends; All Good Funk Alliance. Such a complete and utter humblng honour to have them kindly wish to be a part of The Scour. Thank you again pards! Big Love to all you! ……….Have they gone? Right, where the hell are my love eggs and sparrow slippers, I gotta fever!
Please courteously follow All Good Funk Alliance on SoundCloud and All Good Funk Alliance on Facebook, in return for your clicking the following text to gain access your very kindly donated… >>SCOUR #100 EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT HERE
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