Your daily source of breakbeat, dubstep, electro swing, ghetto funk music.
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Ramp Show: Fresh Pickings #11
Fresh picks and seasoned classics from the hiphopallotment. Good vibes : )
...and check out this month’s Choice Cuts featuring @mrbristow here... Paddyoxford – Ramp-show-mr-bristows-booty-bonanza-mix
Nobodi da Vinylist - Skratcher's Groove
Copycat - It's On!
Friskie Business - Good Day
Tom Showtime - Dancefloor Seasoning
Nobodi da Vinylist - The Funky Sound
Morlack - Bodyrock (Kenny Beeper Remix)
DJ LBR & Ali - Real Party (Slynk Remix)
Featurecast - Finger Lickin'
The Black Seeds vs. Inspectah Deck - Fire (Defunk Remix)
Eddie Shinn - Box of Happiness
Public Enemy - Get Up Stand Up (Tonic Remix)
DJ Detta & DJ B-Side vs. Terror Squad - Paper Jam/Lean Back (Dave Remix’s Paper Back Mashup)
DJ Daigo - Clubproof
DJ Groovecellar - Can You Hear the Breaks?
Public Enemy - Bring the Noise (Mr P & Plastik's Bring tha Funky Bass Re-fix)
A Skillz - Good Music
Howla - Horns & Hussies
Skeewiff - Pokey Smokey (Kenny Beeper Remix)
Phibes vs. Ugly Duckling - Something's Going Down Tonight
Lady Sovereign - Get Random (T.Rice Edit)
Pizzaman - Happiness (Skeewiff Remix)
Check out loads more tasty musical goodness at www.ramp-shows.blogspot.co.uk/

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