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Buck Fillington - Born To Buck Mix for UK Glitch Hop

It's been a while since my last mix so thought I'd squeeze some serious wallop into a brand new 40min session! Big thanks to the UK Glitch Hop/GlitchFM fam for giving it some airtime love! :)



Opiuo - Velcro Envy

Broken Eye - Gorilla Tech (Forthcoming on Broken Robot Records)

Staunch - My Name Is

Beat Fatigue - Triple Trouble

Cheshire - Funk On

Pegboard Nerds - FrainBreeze

Flvor - Maybe

Shamanic Technology - Neuro Wolf

Dephecit - Fender Bender

Itsu - Itsop

Kursa - Fiction

Mc2 - Wesh Up

Atomic Drop - Spook

Bass Farmers - Jackbot

Quibble - Bristletone

Skope - Good To Me

Karetus - Fbeats

Skope - Rollerskates

Habstrakt - Bubbles

Dodge & Fuski, Culprate - Vice

PLAYMA - Moscow Funk

Duburban Poison - Exhale

Wizard - Mind Control

601 - Pixelate

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viaRamp Shows - Buck Fillington - Born To Buck Mix for UK Glitch Hop
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