Your daily source of breakbeat, dubstep, electro swing, ghetto funk music.
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Pugzilla – Live Mix October 2014
A master of taking music from the past and manipulating it in ways most musicians wouldn’t dare to. Whether it be Swing, Funk, Blues, or Soul, the outcome is always the same… A Hard hitting bundle of joy that can make your feet move without you even realise it!
Pugzilla is not only a musical maestro, but a true bad man behind the decks! This is actually where the ‘zilla’ part of the name came from:
“Pug” – Nickname
“Zilla”- A mixing monster!
Having supported some of the biggest names in the game (Nero, Chase And Status, and Shy FX to name a few) it is fair to say that your in for a treat when Pugzilla comes to town!
” This mix was recorded a few months ago for “Pugsley Clothing”, but due to laptop breakage issues I have only just been able to upload!
Hope you all enjoy! ”
1. Lack Jemmon – Theory Test
2. SkiiTour – The Program
3. DJ Wood – No Ice Cream On The Road
4. Featurecast – Shining Star (Earth Wind & Fire)
5. Slynk – Hey You
6. X-Ray Ted – Let Me Clear My Throat
7. Stickybuds – Lets Get It On
8. Kill Paris – Baby Come Back (Featurecast Remix)
9. Duke Dumont – Need U (100%) (WBBL Remix)
10. Goodzie – Drop The Clash VIP
11. Skeewiff Ft. Rayna – Sambahton
12. House Of Pain vs Pyramyth – Cowbell Around (Dylan Sanders Drag and Drop Mash)
13. Jackson Sisters – I Believe In Miracles (Featurecast Remix)
14. Blackstreet – No Diggity (Bonadax Edit)
15. Flume – Holding On
16. Slynk – Fried Chicken Remix (Rufus Thomas)
17. Hong Kong Ping Pong – We No Speak Amerikernow
18. Dutty Moonshine & Kid Kasino – Everybody
19. Sun – On My Radio (Stickybuds & Mr. Bill Remix)
20. Lewd Behavior – Shotgun Funk
21. WBBL – Run Along
22. Jem Stone ft Mouthmaster Murf & MC Goldseal – Top O’The Town (Featurecast Remix)
23. Beat Fatigue – Sloddervos
24. Savages Y Suefo – Do The Chicken Rag
25. The Jivers – Do What Ft. Anqui
26. Doop – Doop (Wolfgang Lohr Remix 2013)
27. Parov Stelar – Jimmy’s Gang
28. Klischée – Klimper
29. Sing Sing Sing (Yolanda Be Cool & Dcup Edit)
30. Jazzbit – Sing Sing Sing (Yolanda Be Cool & Dcup Edit)
31. Parov Stlar – Gettin’ Jiggy with the Booty Swing (KeX’s Ghetto Swing Edit)
32. Dutty Moonshine – Nano’s Revenge
33. Jenova Collective & ClayFace -Trouble
34. Jenova Collective VS. ClayFace – No Love You Can Buy
35. Klischée – Rendez-Vous
36. Mr. Scruff – Get A Move On
37. Doop – My Chihuahua
38. Pugzilla – Do Wah Do Wah
39. Benny Berigan – Snake Chamer
40. Jenova Collective – Living The Halcyon Days
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RRory Hoy's Desert Island DJ's - Pilot Episode (Doctor Hooka, Dean Barry Revell and Rory Hoy)
Rory Hoy's Desert Island DJ's - Pilot Episode (Doctor Hooka, Dean Barry Revell and Rory Hoy) by Rory Hoy on Mixcloud
Hello, and welcome to a brand new Podcast series - Desert Island DJ’s with your host - Rory Hoy. In this show, we have stranded 3 DJ’s on a desert island, with only their 10 favourite tunes of all time on our battered turntable located in the dis-used Loco Coco nightclub. Today's podcast features Top-10 Mixes from Ghetto Funk legend, Doctor Hooka, Up-And-Coming Rapper, Dean Barry Revell and Myself Rory Hoy. If this show proves to be successful, more episodes will be made in the future.
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Paddy - Ramp Shows: Choice Cuts feat. Pinx (Multiplicity Mix)
Oh my days...
This kind of excitement takes me back to the day I discovered a certain Box Fresh mix by a certain A Skillz & Krafty Kuts all those years ago...
....if I was Canadian I might say that I am ‘majorly cheesing’ (which I am reliably informed means grinning from ear-to-ear like a Cheshire cat on disco biscuits)
So what’s all the fuss about? Well, I’m not sure how to describe it apart from an ingeniously crafted funky breakathon b-boy masterclass from the supremely talented mash machine and supremely nice chap we know as @pinx!
This mix, Multiplicity, is a blend of the following elements
Intro - Chunks of Rhythm Scholar – @pinx Stitchup
Multiplicity (Chronicles of an 80's B-Boy) – @pinx Mega mash
Wiseguys Vs Public Enemy vs Fort Knox Five – Bring the OOh's (@pinx Mashup)
Fort Knox Five – Big Score
Stone Roses vs Afrika Bambaataa – Stone Roses Mash (@pinx Mashup)
M.A.R.R.S - Pump Up the Volume
Krafty Kuts vs The Beastie Boys – Body Movin' to the Bass Phenomenon (@pinx Mashup)
Muse – Super Massive Black Hole (@pinx Re-Groove)
Newcleus vs SkeeWiff – Heatwave Jam (@pinx Mashup)
Rufus Thomas – Itch & Scratch (Funk Ferret Edit)
The Breakbeat Junkie – Rock the Funky Beat
Sub Focus – Could this be Real (A Skillz Edit)
Krafty Kuts – Anthology
Yazoo – Situation (@pinx 2014 Re-Groove)
Dublex Inc. vs Q-Tip – Repercussion Mash (Featurecast Mashup) (@pinx extended Edit)
SkeeWiff vs Fort Knox Five vs KraftWerk Silently – Getting the Plot Together (@pinx Mashup)
Dutty Moonshine & Kid Kasino – Everybody
The Heavy – How You Like Me Now (Wick-it the Instigator Moombahton Remix)

Dr Hooka – Pat Butchers Earrings
DR Hooka the man with the surgical beats has a new Mix Tape
Join him & Pat Butcher in His Surgery
Javier Morillas-Like That Slam
Badboe-Ghetto Funkalicious (WBBL Remix)
Ray!-Good Thymes (Opiuo Remix)
Jikes-Culture Shock (Fin Molemast)
Dr. Blank ft. Blazzin Angel-Behind Me
Ceah vs Shaka-Toca Raul
Foreigner-Cold As Ice (The Spank! Edit)
Some DJ-My Army
Father Funk-SayerWhat?
Hall & Oates-You Make My Dreams (DJ Wood Remix)
Otis Redding-(Sittin’ On) The Dock Of The Bay (DJ Twister Edit)
SkiiTour-Funky Axe
Sublux-Harsky & Stutch
Rage Against The Machine-Take The Power Back (Staunch Remix)
DJ Rudd-Like Jello
Badboe & Prosper-If You Want My Love
Badboe-In A Hurry (Lack Jemmon Remix)
Bobby C Sound TV-Busy Business
Dusty Tonez-Dreams
Dutty Moonshine & Kid Kasino-Everybody
House Of Pain-Jump Around (D.End Remix)
Monty Python-I’m A Lumberjack (Bobby C Sound TV Remix)
Kenny Beeper-Be Positive Brother
Too Many T’s-It Ain’t Right (Warp9 AcidSwingDub)
HerbGrinder-The Nod
X-Ray Ted-Dirty Talk
JFB ft. Beardyman-Swing Ya Beard
Badboe-Hit It Maestro (Listen To JPOD Remix)
Dutty Moonshine-InTuYa
PRofit ft. David Boomah & Shortston-Push Back (Lewd Behavior Remix)
Wood N Soo-Party Song
Splatinum-Octopus Bangbang
Major Lazer-Bumaye (Mungo’s Moombahton Mix)
Busta ft. Claire G-Take Control (JPOD Remix)
Mungo Jerry-In The Summertime (The Captain Remix)
The McMash Clan ft. Kate Mullins-Swing Break (Opiuo Remix)

Dutty Moonshine’s Movers & Shakers 2
2014 now! 2013 was the year dance music without a doubt took over. There’s more interesting forms of music than there ever has been, new and sub genres everywhere and all sorts of heated online debates about “EDM” and “What is DJ-ing?” which are great for stirring people into an internet rage with a few well timed and placed comments, trollololol!
At Dutty HQ we have 1000′s of flying monkeys in bellboy outfits out there checking for what’s going to be happening in 2014 in the Electro Swing world around the world from releases, events and what not so we hope to have some cracking news over the next couple of blogs.
Before we start a, call out to honkies!
We’d like to hear from people on what sort of stuff they’d like to see us write about in this blog, we’re going to try and change up some of the content every blog but some stuff will be in everyone such as free tunes, movers and shakers. Feedback; the good, the bad and the naughty! Send all to [email protected] /* */
Free tunes
Well even though in our interview today there’s a link to a ridonkulous amount of free tunes we’re still going to recommend a few
1st up one of ours with Kid Kasino, a Ray Charles remix. If you like geeking out to C.O.D. Youtube videos you may have heard it already as everyone seems to want to use it to make compilations of funny/clever stuff they did in a game (well done you). Collectively on youtube this tune prob has a couple of million hits, if only our soundcloud did!
Swing…Trap? It so works though! We know the “T” word can be quite a dirty word at the moment but we don’t give a rats arse, good music is good music no matter where it belongs. Was planning to keep this close to the chest but couldn’t, we’d rather encourage the rummaging of Pandora’s box
Go on let’s really push the boat, may we present to you Swarage….that’s not really a term for Swing Garage and if we hear anyone using that terrible pun you’ll receive a lynching
Dutty Duo Recommendation
Couple of cool tracks we dig:
Mike – Check out this pop tune made into a swing song and then remixed by Paris’ finest.
Furley – Glitchy bluesy build up, jazzy breakdown into a bluesy drop with body rocking triplets AND it’s free, aw yeah!
Cabaret Voltaire
This is a night put on by Don Johnston, an awesome artist with a high recommendation from us. The nights are held in Bournemouth and Exeter. Both are highly popular with the local creatures. What’s really great about these nights is the crowd that go. Don. J has built up a following of people who really dig what he does, people generally come for the brand leaving him free roam to put who he wants on and they’ll trust he’s done a good job. This we think makes the best type of night because you really have people there for the love of it and gives Mr. Johnston a chance to book not so well known acts and not have to worry about name pulling. Everyone is dressed to the nines and the ticket price is cheap as chips. He regularly has guest performers and has the resident burlesque dance Sparkles Galore. She’s our favourite burlesque dancer and the only way to describe her would be: “Imagine if Boomtown was a burlesque dancer” Anyway if you live even remotely close to either of these towns go to one and you won’t be disappointed!
May we present to you Menage Quad!
So believe it or not we actually have a rough plan on who we’re going to interview over the next few blogs but we kicked the order up one when discovering these guys as we had to get them out there ASAP. They’re based in Minneapolis and take a heavy influence from Parov Stelar but have a distinct west coast flavour. It’s the tits!
Here’s a tune to listen to by them while you read:
1 – What’s your thoughts/take on Electro Swing?
Electro-Swing was introduced to us by Parov Stelar, hence our heavy influence and sampling in our first single. We saw the trailer for The Princess Tour and it was game over. Such an old school, classy feel. We felt we needed to sprinkle some Minneapolis love into the genre, and thus we created Swing Hop.
2 – Explain the band a bit, you have a lot of vocalists.
There are technically 10 of us, 4 MC’s, drums, DJ, bass, trumpet, trombone, and tenor sax. A few of us had been friends before its conception, and a few were auditioned and adopted afterwards for a fuller stage presence. We wanted to bring the live aspect into the EDM community, like STS9, Parov’s The Princess Tour, Lotus, etc.
3 – What was your previous gig?
Our last gig was a tour sponsored by The Hideaway and MN Legit here in the Twin Cities. We played in the surrounding midwest area with Lucy Luxe of Dirty Talk, Big Jess of Rhymesayers, and several more. It was quite an adventure.
4 – What’s your next gig?
We’re currently looking to tour as soon as our next release drops, probably some time in early march, and then again in Summer. Hopefully extending that into the UK with another release in the fall/winter of 2014.
5 – If your music was a drink what would it be and why?
It would be Jameson, neat. Euro influence, makes you dance, goes down smooth as a baby’s bottom.
6 – Can you provide us with a funny story you guys have had/experienced? The more embarrassing/naughty the better.
Hilarious shit is always happening since there are 10 of us. We are somehow all on the same page, and yet somehow not. Too many stories jump out at once to list, but conceptually speaking, we have this thing called a DGF. Most of the guys in the group have significant others, but the ones who don’t are referred to as the DGF, the designated groupie fuckers. We need to keep our fans happy, you know.
7 – What can we expect from a show from you guys? Elephants jumping through hoops, horses rogering the dancing girls? Do you have the word rogering in USA, sounds like a British word?
The only Roger we know wears fantastic cardigans and sweaters and used to host a children’s television show. Our shows are insane, it’s impossible to not bring an insurmountable amount of energy when there are so many people on stage who vibe so well together. That’s the phrase we hear most often actually, “You guys have such amazing energy, it’s impossible not to move.” That’s what we like to hear.
8 – Can you teach us a couple of slang words? Here’s a couple the Brits have that I don’t think you do?
SAFE – Can mean many things, “thanks”, a greeting/farewell or to describe someone as being decent. BUGGER – funny sounding swear word you can replace with “fxxk” and it’s not as bad. Actual English meaning a bit nasty, google it.
Yovs, novs, and provs. Yes obviously, No obviously, and probably obviously. We use these constantly. Also, grenade. The term used for some wasty-face groupie that we direct to the DGF.
9 – Westcoast Hip Hop meets Electro Swing… works but how did that happen?
Well with all the influences, we’ve strayed away from the West coast thing. The MC’s bring so many different styles to the table it’s impossible to categorize. Our song “Play Dat Soul” on Swing Soiree was a song written individually by each MC to talk about where their influences came from. It’s very personal to each of us.
10 – Invent a genre name and explain what it is?
PsyHop- Psytrance with hip hop vocals. (Sounds horrible).
11 – Anything you want to say/add?
Check us out on the internets, download all of our shit for freezies! www.menagequad.com.
Quick fire questions:
Bagel or Pitta? Bagel, fuck pita, what is this, the Hunger Games?
Number 1 or Number 2? Number 2 always. And remember, if you’re gonna be loud, YOU’VE GOTTA BE PROUD.
Best smell in the morning fresh bread or bacon cooking? What the hell kind of question is this? We are Ron Swanson’s, not Julia Childs’.
Who would win in a fight James Brown or Beethoven? Pretty sure Beethoven wouldn’t even hear what was comin’. (See what we did there?)
Pogo Stick or Space Hopper? Hovercraft.
Yeah make sure you check out their Soundcloud, uber amounts of free stuff!
Nice one honkies, keep moving and shaking!
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