Your daily source of breakbeat, dubstep, electro swing, ghetto funk music.
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Doe Ran – Bootlegs & B-Sides – 12.3.2017
Full of phat funky bangers and with the show falling on his birthday Doe Ran was in party mode when mixing up his latest Bootlegs & B-Sides show. Just under 2 hours of mid tempo party beats from Funky Breaks to Glitch Hop and Swing. Enjoy your FREE download and Happy Birthday Doe Ran.
Royal Blood & Rkayna – Pretty Tights
Jeru The Damaja – Playin Yourself (BadBoE Remix)
Extra Medium – Beatnik Boogie
Sliceman & X-RayTed – Well Git It
Phibes – Raw to the Floor
Lack Jemmon – Can’t U Feel
Stickybuds & K+Lab – Clap Ya Hands Now (feat. KWADI)
Coins – Alive/Intergalactic (Daft Science Remix)
The Funk Philosopher – Party People
DJ Roast Beatz – Come Baby Bounce
Phibes – Aint That Fresh
Basement Freaks – All That Funk!
Phibes – Came to get Down
Father Funk – Easy Roller
Fort Knox Five vs. Rob Base vs. Alan Hawkshaw – Studio Base (DC’s Finest Remint)
Driberlah – Processed Biggie (Biggie Smalls v Freddie Scott v Kasabian)
UberVice & Gizmo – Pimp Dundee
B-Side vs. BadboE – Funk Me Again
Father Funk – Get High
James Brown – Too Funky In Here (Charlie Beale Regrooved Edit)
Mr Stabalina – Don’t Stop
Dave RMX – Sax Rebel
Busta – Heard It Like This
Thomas Vent – Jump
Stickybuds – Out Of Debt
Timothy Wisdom – Born To Rock The Party (Dj Inko Remix)
Storm Queen – Look Right Through (Mk Dub Iii) (Bear Essentials Intro Edit)
Sisi – Stay (Funk Ferret Edit)
Jayl Funk – Funk me Loose
CMC & Silenta – The Night Is Mine feat. Vanessa Iraci & BadKat

Fort Knox Five Freebies In Memory Of Jon Horvath
Fort Knox Five have been huge favourites of all the team here at LSM for quite some time now, so it was devastating to hear the very sad news of the passing of one of the true funk soul brothers in this world, Jon Horvath, from the group. Personally for me I was most fortunate to speak to Jon, only through emails and stuff and only on a handful of occasions, but, like many other people, a few moments of Jon’s time and you could tell he was just one of life’s good souls that made life better. The passion for life, music and of course ‘ the funk ‘ he had was clear for all too see.
It’s no surprise at all to see the outpouring of love and support for his family, his Fort Knox brothers Rob, Sid and Steve and all of Jon’s friends. With an overwhelming response of kind, heartfelt words the Fort Knox guys have put a massive amount of music ( exclusive remixes and mixes ) of theirs up for free download in Jon’s honor. Clearly such a free for all at such a sensitive time would never be encouraged but the guys wanted to do this to simply help everyone get through this difficult time. As we all know, music has power to bring the good out of the darkest situations and that’s what Rob, Sid and Steve want from this because music is love and love heals all. They have also setup a memorial page for Jon so that anyone who wants to share memories, photo’s and words of support can do so here, Memories of Jon Horvath, aka DJ JonH.
Rest In Peace, Jon Horvath.
Links for Fort Knox Five :
Soundcloud / Facebook / Website / Mixcloud / Bandcamp / YouTube / Twitter
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