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Ramp Show: Fresh Pickings #15
The freshest picks from the hiphopallotment. Good vibes : )
...and check out loads more tasty musical goodness here on the Ramp Blog!
Pepe Deluxe / Greg Nice - Before the Commotion (Daigo Re-Bake)
M.A.R.R.S - Pump Up the Volume (Groove Mind Regroove)
Kool & The Gang - Got That Funky Stuff (Basement Freaks Tribute)
Deer Lick / Afrika Bambaataa - Papa Make It Funky / Funky Heroes (Pre-mashed)
Thomas Vent - The Performer
Public Enemy - Bring the Noise (Phibes Remix)
Lack Jemmon - LViS
Sam Starion - Fat Lava
Aretha Franklin - Respect (DJ Sol Rising Remix)
Shaka Loves You - Chic Weapon
Howla - Full House
The Commodores - Brick House (Bruno Borlone & Boogie Mike Remix)
LL Cool J - Phenomenon (Yum Cha Re-funk)
Tom Showtime - Funk Thermometer
Amerie - 1 Thing (Durilliam ReBump)
Foreign Beggars / Nick Thayer - Contact / Keep It Locked (Jam Hott Edit)
Ludacris / JPOD - The Ludacris Saviour (Jimi Needles Bootleg)
The Nice Guys - Stand Up
Mr Bristow - Get Lively!