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Father Funk – Funk Aerobics Mixtape
Now signed to the Finger Lickin artists roster Father Funk delivers a brand new mix full of unheard and exlusive trakcs set to rock the dancefloor.
” I was thinking about doing a “Festival Funk Vol. 2” mix but since I already uploaded my Shindig set I thought it would be more fun to do something different and make a mix entirely from my own productions. Not only did I either produce or collab on all of these tracks but only one of them is up online, the rest I have been keeping on lock down for my sets or sending to a select few DJs. I had a lot of fun making these tracks for my sets at the festivals over the summer, so I’m stoked that you guys can finally hear them properly.
I hope you enjoy the mix, expect to see a lot of these tracks popping up in the coming months. I also have a 5-track EP coming out on Scour Records on October 30th titled “Phenomenal Funk” – the first track of this mixtape “Love Shack” is the first track of that EP.
Once again massive thanks to Bill Elder for his spectacular voice over work – you smashed it dude! “
1. Father Funk – Love Shack (Forthcoming on Scour Records)
2. A Man About A Dog – Corned Beef & Valium (Father Funk Remix)
3. Father Funk – Lovely Gaye
4. Father Funk – Sayer What?
5. Shy FX – Feelings (Father Funk Remix)
6. Laser Tasilo – Fred (Father Funk Remix)
7. Liquid – Sweet Harmony (Father Funk Remix)
8. Father Funk – Rock The House
9. Massive Attack – Unfinished Sympathy (Father Funk Remix)
10. Father Funk – Dance ’Til We Drop
11. Father Funk & The Fritz – Dynomite
12. Flight Of The Concords – Business Time (Father Funk & WBBL Remix)
13. Ray Charles & The Blues Brothers – Shake A Tail Feather (Father Funk Remix)
14. Electric Six – Gay Bar (Father Funk Remix)
Want to support my music? Click here to donate via PayPal: www.facebook.com/fatherfunk/app_415675701824636
BOOKINGS: [email protected]
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