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Chris Massey vs Joy Division
Chris Massey hails from Manchester where he has made a bit of a name for himself releasing fine tech/ house/disco and other electronic sounds from the dance firmament including on his Sprechen label. I am always on the look out for interesting remixes of classic tunes but have always felt that Joy Division was a step too far and that their sound was unremixable. And then a little while ago I heard this and realised that although the wheel hasn’t been invented it deserves a wider audience. From the almost Nine Inch Nailesque thump of the kick drum and the percussion that twists around it sounds like you’re in for a good tune and then in comes that refrain that we all know and arms will be lifted in the air. At first it might seem that it’s going to be an instrumental tune with hints of Joy Division for the dance floor and that would be fine but then Ian Curtis’ voice comes in singing (well as close to singing as he did) and the whole room will sing out “Love will tear us apart again”. It breaks down in the middle with some distortion but then it comes back and the drums kick again and the room is back in 1980 with added kicks. This could divide people who say that Joy Division should stay unremixed and pure but I say -If it keeps people listening to Ian Curtis in whatever way then that can only be a good thing. More please.