Your daily source of breakbeat, dubstep, electro swing, ghetto funk music.
Electro Swing Roundup
The big news on the live front is that White Mink are returning to London with a quarterly residence at Village Underground. They’re kicking off on 8th Feb with an all star lineup of Bart & Baker, Kid Kasino, Nick Hollywood, Chris Tofu and many more. If you’re in the capital it’s got to be the place to be.
Of course up here we’re getting ready for our next Electro Swing Ball. If you wondering what I keep going on about, check out our latest promo video here:
Finally make sure you check out Free Breaks Blogs new sample pack Beat Juice Vol. 1. With over 500 expertly crafted original breaks loops this is a must for any producer, remixer and DJ.
Free Music Oh my god I got excited when this turned up on my soundcloud feed. The Phantom has become such a classic in the swing world, and any excuse to play it again has to be a good thing. Plenty of festivals are going to be hit by this beauty this summer!
This freebie from Cee-Roo is supremely funky and will fit nicely into many a set.
Grant Lazlo has been celebrating the festive season by being really generous. He’s given away a tasty remix of Stevie Wonders Superstition, three tracks off his album, and one older track. The quality of all of them is really good and if you like these check out his album here.
Check out this swinging mashup with loads of soul! Quality Tomahawk stuff:
And another… on a slightly strange swing tip that I’m struggling to explain…
New Releases Kiss Me Yesterday – Downtown Stoned EP Vienna’s Kiss Me Yesterday seem to be going from strength to strength and they’ve come through with another strong EP with remixes by Swingbot, Extra Medium, incontroL and Lord Justice. It’s available for 5 Euros from bandcamp.
Jamie Berry & Jazzotron – Kiss Me Jamie Berry is back with a release with Jazzotron called Kiss Me. It’s a bit slower than his usual releases but definitely worth a look.
Electric Swing Circus – Bella Belle (Remix Competition Winners Preview) It’s not available until late February, but if you fancy knowing who won the Electric Swing Circus’ remix competition here’s the 5 winning entries. They’re all sounding really good and will no doubt be heard a lot this summer.
This has sneaked in at the end because I don’t want to forget this! Sound Nomaden has been reaching even further back into the dusty reaches of time with this remix of Antonin Dvorak (1841 – 1904). Sound Nomaden is hoping to get it released in March.
DJ Mixes Shout out to the Boomtown Kaptin for this rather fine selection mixing up all the best swinging cover versions:
Big Swing Soundsystem Got It Covered by Big Swing Soundsystem on Mixcloud
The hardest working man in the DJ world is back with another of his Hookz & Swings Mixtapes. Check out the tracklist on this baby!
Rather like this mix from Menage Quad – in particular love being reminded about the Funk Hunters tasty remix of Sam & Dave:
Phos Toni sneaks in at the end with an all vinyl mixtape (pretty impressive in this day and age)
That’s it for this week. If you’ve got anything you’d like included in future roundups hit me up on soundcloud. To find out more about my own events check out the Electro Swing Ball.