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Your daily source of breakbeat, dubstep, electro swing, ghetto funk music.

It’s very welcomed news of late that Leftfield have decided to release a new album and not only that, a tour! So with that celebration in mind here is a remix of distinct beauty by American producer, Slighter. The remix of ‘ Space Shanty ‘ is atmospheric and carries a progressive Breaks feel and it draws you in within the first few seconds! It’s a reflection of his music he has made for tv and film on American networks such as NBC, FOX and Showtime to name a few and the forward thinking and quality of his music has seen him collaborate with, Future Funk Squad.

Turn all your attentions to this and lose yourself if only for a small moment in time.

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viaLifeSupportmachine - TBT 36 – Leftfield – Space Shanty (Slighter’s Capsized Mix)
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