Your daily source of breakbeat, dubstep, electro swing, ghetto funk music.
B-Roll’s Bassbins #1
Greetings Breakers! After a brief sojurn to spend 7 months with baby B-Roll, I am back with a new column of hearty breakbeat, bass and Ghetto Funk goodness. I will be selecting and highlighting quality releases that any DJ and fan should have in their bag. Let’s get to it!
Mooqee – Clubthing
Bossman of seminal Nu/Ghettofunk label Bomb Strikes brings us something different with this “thing-themed” release. “Discothing” is a nice modern take on disco ideas, using some classic sounds, but with a chunky drop which brings it right into the modern age. Need to surprise a dancefloor? Use this. The second track “Pianothing” starts with a simple key melody, then slams into a wicked electro groove. Not sure really what genres these fit into, but both would be nice bridging tunes as you head towards the harder end of breakbeat from Ghettofunk… Great stuff.
Jurassik - Flame On EP
Jurassik is the promoter of the best breakbeat parties in London. Supatronix events, Hot Cakes, Elite Force Boat Party - if it’s breaks in London, you can guarantee he is the man behind the scenes, running tings! You can also catch him playing at the events, but also producing tasty bits and bobs here and there. In this I reckon his best release to date, he takes future jungle, garage, breaks and whips it all up into a wicked skankin sound. Deep bass, skipping drums and wicked ragga vocals. If you like the future jungle/140 or whatever we are calling it, you need this.
To get you in the mood for the EP, he has done a Hot Cakes EP Promo mix for the popular Lady Waks radio show. Listen below or download from Jurassik’s facebook.
Nick Thayer – Dominion EP Finally this week, I have to give it up for the man that is Nick Thayer. Always pushing his sound and production forward, you never know quite what to expect, except that it will be big, and not like anything else! Is this glitch hop? Ghetto Funk? Does it matter? It kicks. This is a free download, but you can donate to support Nick on his website here. Keep doing the good work sir!