Your daily source of breakbeat, dubstep, electro swing, ghetto funk music.
Port Royal - 2014
Port Royal returns to Body & soul Festival this Year for more Rum n Bass in the woods .
Bring the Best of Irish Selectors and Bands Dropping all things Reggae, Dancehall, Dub and ska
Get your tickets and Join Dirty Dubsters , Ri Ra , CIan Finn , Worries Outer national , Junior Spesh , Aunty Shimmy , carols Irie , Johnnypluse & The Storm Troopers of love , Ras Tinny , Lion hart and many more in the Woods
Check your tickets Here : http://www.ticketmaster.ie/search?tm_link=tm_homeA_header_search&aid=1857632&user_input=body+&q=Body+%26+Soul+Festival
Reggae Fever vibes, myself LS Worries Outernational 1.2.14! by Natasha Scott on Mixcloud
Bulabreakdown.com Facebook - Johnny Pluse Twitter - Johnnypluse Youtube - Johnny Pluse Soundcloud - johnnypluse