Your daily source of breakbeat, dubstep, electro swing, ghetto funk music.
Electro Swing Roundup
Swingamajig 2014 It’s that time of year again and in the UK we’re building up to the biggest electro swing festival going, Birmingham’s Swingamajig. Following off from last years truly stunning event, this year they’re bigger than ever with a really strong lineup including Molotov Jukebox, Electric Swing Circus, The Destroyers, Renegade Brass Band, Fresh Dixie Project, Smokey Joe & the Kid, Sam Green & the Midnight Heist, Jenova Collective, Lunatrix, After Hours Quintet, Temple Funk Collective, loads of DJ’s, swing dancing, lindyhop, circus performers, vintage cinema and much much more. Oh and some chap called DJR…
You can check out the full lineup at the Swingamajig website and tickets are a bargain at only £20 so don’t waste time and get them now!
Free Music Here’s a great remix of Bart & Baker’s Swing Phonmenon – free to download from the Pep’s Show Boys facebook.
JPod getting funky with the Andrews Sisters! Sweet.
Sammy Senior has been bringing his ghetto funk and old style flavour to K7′s Hi De Ho. Recommended.
New from Future Swing Stories…
Johnny Lectro has been adding delicious blues licks to a grooving 130bpm beat. Nice.
Nuno Endo has stuck up a new edit of Ella Fitzgerald’s Teardrops From My Eyes:
The C@ In The H@ has been tweaking the biggest tune on the planet at the mo:
Here’s some crisp reggae style vocals mixed with an old style swing-hop beat. Works really well.
Dutty Moonshine have been getting busy on Slamboree’s full on track Death Of A Festival. Peak time party banger!
Not strictly swing this, but I’m always a sucker for the Hot 8 Brass Band and if they want to give away free tunes why should I argue?
New Releases Vintage Remix Allstars – The Punk Panther It’s always nice to see a new record label on the block and so we welcome Vintage Remix Records with their first release – The Punk Panther. Oh and it’s rather good! Available to buy from Juno.
Electric Swing Circus – Bella Belle Remixes There was a great standard of remixes for this competition and the winners have now been released on Ragtime Records. They’re all good so check out which ones you like and download them now from Juno.
Bart & Baker… on an umbrella! Random post of the week goes to Bart & Baker. They’ve done a remix of Real Tuesday Meld and released it on an umbrella! Confused much? Yep me too. Go here to unravel the strangeness.
Perhaps more relevantly Bart & Baker also have a 30 track double album on the way with lots of new original stuff and remixes.
DJ Mixes Been enjoying this blues and ghetto funk set from Mike Jackson. Good stuff mister!
Cab Canavaral has been getting clever adding live saxophone to his DJ sets:
Spencer C from San Francisco dropped me this mix with plenty of well mixed classic tunes. He says that the local scene for Electro Swing is non-existent – well you know what that means – start your own night! It’s the best way to get exposure and spread the love!
That’s it for this week. If you’ve got anything you’d like included in future roundups hit me up on soundcloud. Keep it swing. Laters!