Your daily source of breakbeat, dubstep, electro swing, ghetto funk music.
Spinforth’s Biweekly SoundCloud Scour 98
It’s Scour Records’ one year anniversary! Twelve months ago we released Scoured Cream Volume 01, so to mark the occasion we thought we’d hold a Hunger Games-type celebration, unfortunately none of us are very good with weapons or murder or being murdered. An Olympics style celebration seemed a little over the top, It’s A Knock Out was on the cards but our budget ran out after making one large shoe for the Bulgarians. So we’ve scaled it down, come round to ours and have a proper party, old school fancy dress styleeee!
All the party games are prepped – pass the parcel, pin the tail on the donkey, kiss chase, naked twister, finger the angry fox, trampoline darts on poppers, all the big ones! The party sideboard is prepared! Vimto for the gents, cherryade for the ladies, Babycham for the hardcore fetishists. Bombay mix, cocktail sausages, cheese and pineapple, vol-au-vants (hopefully filled with whatever made Kerry Katona go all fruity) Anything missing, hmmmm….of course! An assortment of nuts and some party tunes! All wrapped up in a free 4 track goody bag for each and every one of you to take home!
Father Funk rocks out the bubble perm and comes strutting through the front door like a funky white brother. Who’s he come as? Mika? Kevin Keegan? No silly! He’s come as Leo Sayer!
Leo fires a bazooka in through the porch and shoots two AK47’s like he’s trying to kill every mother in the room. Apparently he likes his men like he likes his coffee (with milk and two sugars) Pimpin’!
Is that Prince tucking into the Jelly and Ice Cream? ha! Yes! It’s Warp9! Top costume!, really would prefer it if you didn’t try and make our doves cry though…they really don’t like to see your starfish impression…
The Phunk Junkies need no encouragement to crack the pearls out, before you can say ’Sir Very Elton of John’ they’ll be in a wig and heels, have the lippy on and be sashaying down the hall towards the toilet. RuPaul? Lilly Savage? Oh hell no, those legs can only belong to Dame Shirley Bassey.
Hang on a sec, sorry about this….LEO! GET YOUR FINGER OUT OF THE FOX!! it’s not time yet! Father! Leave the Phunk Junkies alone, it’s not that kind of party! Put the guns down! Oh for God’s sake!
Take your goody bag and go! We need a plunger, a SWAT team and a vet, pronto!
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Father Funk
SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/father-funk
Facebook: http://facebook.com/fatherfunk
YouTube: http://youtube.com/user/fatherfunkmusic
Twitter: http://twitter.com/fatherfunkmusic
SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/leoproductions
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/oleomusico
Twitter: http://twitter.com/leo_sounds
SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/warp99
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/warp999
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/warp9funk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/warp9music
The Phunk Junkies
SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/thephunkjunkies
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thephunkjunkiesofficial
Scour Records
Website: http://scourrecords.com
SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/scourrecords
Facebook: http://facebook.com/scourrecords
Twitter: http://twitter.com/scourrecords
YouTube: http://youtube.com/scourrecords
Scour Archives: http://ghettofunk.co.uk/category/scour
Artwork by Morphosis: http://www.facebook.com/morph0515
Promo blurb by Fat Harry: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fat-Harry/216117141875072
Mastering by Warp9: http://www.facebook.com/warp999